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Design Tokens

Design tokens are the core pieces of a design system, representing the values and styles used throughout the project. They ensure consistency and scalability in design. In the Octagon Design System, we use three types of tokens: constant, semantic, and contextual.

Types of Tokens

Constant Tokens

Constant tokens are the fundamental values that do not change. They include colors, typography scales, spacing units, etc.


"color-primary": "#3498db",
"font-size-base": "16px",
"spacing-small": "8px"

Semantic Tokens

Semantic tokens map constant tokens to specific design elements, providing meaningful names that describe their purpose.


"button-background": "{color-primary}",
"text-body": "{font-size-base}",
"margin-small": "{spacing-small}"

Contextual Tokens

Contextual tokens adapt semantic tokens to different contexts or themes, allowing for variations in design based on usage or environment.


"button-background-dark": "#2980b9",
"text-body-large": "18px",
"margin-small-mobile": "4px"

By using these tokens, we maintain a consistent and adaptable design system that can easily scale and evolve.